How to Review Campaign Analytics

Reviewing influencer analytics is essential to understanding the performance of your campaign. Learn how here:

How to Review Influencer Analytics on Embold

Reviewing influencer analytics is essential to understanding the performance of your campaign. Here's how to review analytics for each post and story your influencers upload on Embold:

1. Log In and Navigate to Campaigns:

  • Log into your Embold account.
  • Click on "Campaigns" in the side bar, and a drop-down will appear.
  • Select "Active" to view your ongoing campaigns.

2. Select the Campaign You Wish to Review:

  • Click on the specific campaign you want to analyze.

3. Navigate to the Campaign Reporting Tab

  • Click on Campaign Reporting to see your overall campaign metrics.
  • From this point, you can also break down the analytics by individual influencer performance and content.
  • See the examples below for what analytics you can view on Embold!
Campaign Analytics Overview
Analytics Broken down By Influencer

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