Top 10 Montreal Lifestyle Influencers to Follow on Instagram in 2025

Is your Instagram feed looking a little dry? Follow these Montreal-based lifestyle accounts to bring life to your feed! The accounts are not in any particular order.

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We asked these Montreal-based lifestyle influencers to give a quick introduction to themselves & this is what they shared:

  1. @nourr.hoda
    “I’m a fashion blogger, lifestyle and beauty obsessed based in Montreal/Quebec. I love sharing tips with the community I had built for years. I care as much about fashion as sharing my lifestyle by taking my followers around Montreal and discovering different cozy restaurants and cafes addresses by creating a convenient content. Apart from Foodies and Fashion, I also travel a lot and don’t miss a chance to share my holidays around the world along with good addresses for my followers.“
  1. @teagan.cain
    "Model, economics student, and foodie based in Montreal. Lover of skincare, good design, and local brands."
  1. @amal.amamou
    "A lifestyle influencer, mom of 3 kids, I love sharing my life with its imperfections #reallife"
  1. @thegotofamily
    “Meet The Go To Family – Robyn, Daniel, Ava, Rose, and Ella. We’re a family of five who are on a mission to explore the world together!“
  1. @vic_carnevale
    “I am a plus size fashion, beauty and lifestyle creator from Montreal.“
  1. @mangozzle
    "Montreal-based lifestyle, fashion and beauty creator!"
  1. @esthernelsa
    “I’m a black woman living in Montreal and sharing her uncomplicated lifestyle. Hair guru, mom of 1 and entrepreneurship enthusiast.“
  1. @ladymarielle
    “I’m a mom of 3 and share our everyday moments. My interests are in lifestyle, travel, and family.“
  1. @karine_trudel
    “I’m a lifestyle blogger based in Montreal.“
  1. @ayem_beauty
    “I’m a beauty, fashion, and lifestyle mom. And currently pregnant!“

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

We asked these Montreal-based lifestyle influencers to give a quick introduction to themselves & this is what they shared:

  1. @nourr.hoda
    “I’m a fashion blogger, lifestyle and beauty obsessed based in Montreal/Quebec. I love sharing tips with the community I had built for years. I care as much about fashion as sharing my lifestyle by taking my followers around Montreal and discovering different cozy restaurants and cafes addresses by creating a convenient content. Apart from Foodies and Fashion, I also travel a lot and don’t miss a chance to share my holidays around the world along with good addresses for my followers.“
  1. @teagan.cain
    "Model, economics student, and foodie based in Montreal. Lover of skincare, good design, and local brands."
  1. @amal.amamou
    "A lifestyle influencer, mom of 3 kids, I love sharing my life with its imperfections #reallife"
  1. @thegotofamily
    “Meet The Go To Family – Robyn, Daniel, Ava, Rose, and Ella. We’re a family of five who are on a mission to explore the world together!“
  1. @vic_carnevale
    “I am a plus size fashion, beauty and lifestyle creator from Montreal.“
  1. @mangozzle
    "Montreal-based lifestyle, fashion and beauty creator!"
  1. @esthernelsa
    “I’m a black woman living in Montreal and sharing her uncomplicated lifestyle. Hair guru, mom of 1 and entrepreneurship enthusiast.“
  1. @ladymarielle
    “I’m a mom of 3 and share our everyday moments. My interests are in lifestyle, travel, and family.“
  1. @karine_trudel
    “I’m a lifestyle blogger based in Montreal.“
  1. @ayem_beauty
    “I’m a beauty, fashion, and lifestyle mom. And currently pregnant!“

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