Social Good Influencer Campaigns

Social Good Influencer Campaigns

Inspire positive action, drive change, and raise awareness through influencer-driven credibility and powerful platforms.

About Social Good influencer campaigns

A Social Good influencer marketing campaign revolves around promoting a social or environmental cause through collaborations with influencers. The aim is to raise awareness, drive positive action, and inspire change within the influencer's audience. The campaign focuses on leveraging the influencer's platform and credibility to advocate for a particular cause.

The top goals and outcomes of Social Good campaigns include:

  1. Raise awareness and educate certain people about a social or environmental issue
  2. Enhance brand reputation and demonstrate commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  3. Inspire individuals to take action and make a positive difference
  4. Generate financial support for a non-profit or charity
  5. Create a sense of community engagement and collaboration towards a common goal
  6. Facilitate long-term relationships between influencers, brands, and non-profit organizations
  7. Combine resources and expertise to influence policy change and advocate for social justice issues
  8. Create a lasting and sustainable impact like changing attitudes, influencing behaviors, and fostering a culture of social responsibility and empathy within the audience

Factors to note before you start any Social Good campaign:

A Social Good influencer marketing campaign benefits various stakeholders, including non-profit organizations, influencers, corporations and brands, audiences, and larger society. It can have the potential to make a significant impact by leveraging the influence of influencers and the combination of resources and expertise to drive positive change. These campaigns can also be very beneficial for showcasing an organizations Corporate Social Responsibility efforts if done right!

Navigate to the next page to learn about the attributes of the optimal influencer for this campaign type.

The ideal influencer for Social Good campaigns

To run a successful Social Good campaign, we recommend looking out for these influencer attributes in your planning process:

  1. Genuine care about the cause either through a personal connection or interest
  2. Content or niche that align with the cause you’re promoting
  3. Similar values, beliefs, and principles that align with the mission of the campaign
  4. High engagement and overall interaction with their audience
  5. Strong communication skills and an ability to articulate the cause effectively
  6. Openness to collaborations and partnerships and willingness to contribute ideas and creativity to achieve the campaign goals
  7. Proven track record of succesful collaborations
  8. Professionalism, ethical behaviour, integrity, and transparency

By considering these influencer attributes, you can identify influencers who are genuinely passionate about the cause, have the ability to inspire their audience, and align closely with the goals and values of your social good influencer marketing campaign. Our team at Embold can help vet influencers for you and find the most fitting and ethical influencers for your Social Good influencer marketing campaign. We can also contribute content ideas and types, engagement tactics, and comprehensive guidance to the influencers so they can enhance your brand’s reputation and achieve social good. Sign up today to learn more about how Embold can help.

How Embold can help.

Our team at Embold can help vet influencers for you and find the most fitting and ethical influencers for your Social Good influencer marketing campaign. We can also contribute content ideas and types, engagement tactics, and comprehensive guidance to the influencers so they can enhance your brand’s reputation and achieve social good. Sign up today to learn more about how Embold can help.

Launch an influencer strategy with minimal work using Managed Campaigns 

The Embold campaign management team will do all of the heavy lifting while keeping you engaged to ensure your campaign is seamlessly launched.