Jul 22, 2024

Branded Collaborations on Instagram: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how the branded collaboration feature on Instagram works

Branded Collaborations on Instagram: A Comprehensive Guide

Think about the last time you heard the word “collab”. Was it when SKIMS collaborated with the NBA? Or when Barbie collaborated with Crocs? Or was it when Tim Hortons announced TimBiebs? Lets face it, you really can ‘never say never’ to Justin Bieber collaborating with an iconic Canadian treat, the timbit. Nonetheless, you have to admit, seeing your two worlds collide makes you excited and wanting to try the product advertised. 

Historically, iconic influencer brand collaborations have raised ears and got people talking and Instagram has become the powerhouse platform for such marketing techniques. Instagram offers various features that help simplify collaborations between brands and influencers. One of the most effective tools available is the Branded Content Collaboration feature. This feature not only enhances transparency but also helps both parties reach a broader audience with authentic, co-branded content. In this guide, we'll dive into what branded collaborations are, how influencers can add brands as collaborators, and how brands can give permission to influencers to include them in their posts.

Branded Collaborations vs Partnership Ads

Branded collaborations on Instagram partners brands and influencers, where influencers create content in collaboration with a brand or another influencer. This type of collaboration does not need to be compensated with money or gifted products, it just merely states that both parties worked on the content together.

In contrast, partnership ads are compensated with money or gifted products. When posting, the creators must use the paid partnership to ensure that the audience knows that they are looking at commercialized content. This policy is for creators posting branded content from both professional and/or personal accounts.

Adding Brands as Collaborators as an Influencer

Adding a brand as a collaborator on Instagram is a straightforward process. Here’s how influencers can do it:

  1. Create the Post: Start by creating a post, story, or reel as usual.
  2. Tag the Brand: Before publishing, tap on "Tag People".
  3. Add Branded Content: Tap on "Invite Collaborators". Be sure not to tag people as it will not show up on their feed if they are only tagged!
  4. Search for the Brand: Enter the brand’s Instagram handle and select it from the list.
  5. Publish the Post: Once the brand is added as a collaborator, publish the post.

When the post goes live, it will be added to your feed and the brand’s feed with the formatting of "Influencer Name and Brand Name" as shown in the screenshot above.

Can Brands Be Added As Collaborators After Posting?

Unfortunately, there is no feature on Instagram at the moment which allows brands to be added as collaborators after posting. So make sure to add the brand as a collaborator before you post as you will not be able to use the collaboration feature after the post has gone live! If this does happen, you can ask the brand to repost your content, however, it will not show up as a collaborator.

Accepting Brand Collaborations as an Influencer

As an influencer, you also have the option to accept an invite on a post. When invited to collaborate on a post, you will receive a message. To accept the invitation:

  1. Tap the messaging icon in the top right of Feed.
  2. Tap the conversation from your Chats list where you've received the invite.
  3. Tap the collaboration invite.
  4. Tap Review.
  5. Tap Accept.

In order to decline an invitation, repeat steps 1-4 and then select ‘Decline’.

The primary creator also has the option to add multiple collaborators to the post. In this way, you can easily collaborate with a brand without having to make your own post. However, keep in mind that the person who creates the post is the ‘primary creator’. So if the primary creator blocks a collaborator, or deletes the post, the collaboration will end and be removed from all collaborators’ profiles including the primary creator’s profile. 

Giving Permissions to Influencers as a Brand

Brands are able to give permission to influencers to tag them in branded content in two ways: ahead of time or by approving the content after it is posted. Here’s how both methods work:

  1. Pre-Approving Influencers
    • Go to Settings: Navigate to your Business Instagram profile, tap on the menu, and select “Settings.”
    • Business Settings: Go to “Business” and then select “Branded Content.”
    • Approve Business Partners: Toggle the ‘Manually approve tags’ and then under “Approved Business Partners,” add the influencers you want to pre-approve.
    • Select Influencers: Enter the influencers’ handles and add them to your list.

Pre-approving influencers means they can tag your brand without needing to wait for post-approval. This method streamlines the process and ensures quicker collaboration.

  1. Approving Content After Posting
    • Get Notification: When an influencer tags your brand in a post, you’ll receive a notification.
    • Review Content: Go to your notifications and review the tagged content.
    • Approve or Deny: Choose to approve or deny the content. If approved, the post will display your name alongside the influencer's name and will post the content to your feed.

This method allows brands to review and control which content gets associated with their name, ensuring that the content blends with their brand standards and messaging.

To Sum Up

Branded collaborations on Instagram are a powerful way for brands and influencers to work together, creating genuine content that excites the audiences whilst maintaining transparency. With Embold, this process can be streamlined even further! Our platform simplifies finding the right influencers and managing your campaigns, ensuring smoother partnerships and more impactful marketing results. Whether you’re a brand looking to expand your reach or an influencer aiming to foster fun collaborations, Embold’s comprehensive tools and resources can help you achieve your goals. Check out how Embold can elevate your influencer marketing strategy and drive amazing results for your brand!

For more detailed information on Instagram collaborations, you can visit Instagram’s Help Center.

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